I keep asking myself what my writing voice will be for this blog and I have no answer so I decided to use it as a way to find my voice.
I am an on-again/off-again writer. I write furiously for days and then nothing for a long time. Yet there is much I have to say. Maybe this blog will be what I need to write more consistently - at least that is what I am hoping for. Oops, ended the last sentence with a preposition - at no-no. Too lazy to go back and re-word.
I started a blog a year and half ago when I was in a major crisis with my mom, but let it lapse.
I am not in crisis now; I just need to write. I like writing and thinking someone out there in cyber-land will find me and read my rants and musings.
Ideas for this blog came so easily when I was doing the dishes and now they have evaporated. More to come.
Glad to read your words. :)